The RTA label is recognized by these filtering products and services…
- Apple Inc.™
- AT&T™
- BluePrint Data™
- ContentProtect™
- CSWeb™
- Cyber Sentinel™
- DansGardian™
- FamiLink™
- FilterGate™
- iShield™
- iShield™ Plus
- Kidsnet™
- Microsoft™
- Net Nanny™
- Netsweeper™
- OnlineSafetyPAL™
- OnlineSafetyShield™
- ParentalControl Bar™
- ScreenShield™
- SmoothWall™
- Sprint™
- Verizon™
To incorporate the RTA label into the criteria your product or company uses to recognize websites as unsuitable for minors, please contact
[email protected].